Agronomy Services
Our Agronomy staff draw on their local expertise in selection, timing and application of seed, chemical and fertiliser products to give our broad acre and irrigation farmers the greatest chance of achieving the high possible yields and quality produce.
Terra Ag Services Pty Ltd utilises its local shareholders knowledge in Agronomy and Business Management to service and supply broad acre irrigation, viticulture and dry land farmers with specialised products and expert agronomic advice. Learn More
We also stock a large range of ag products:
Cotton Services
Our Agronomic staff provide Cotton Consultancy Services to local Cotton Growers. Providing cotton growers a full service from planning to harvest of their Cotton.
Precision Ag
Terra Ag uses the latest GIS mapping software. Our agronomists utilise all data from land forming maps, crop biomass imagery (NDVI/Red eye ect.) and harvest yield data to target crop nutrition to where it gives the greatest returns.
We provide customers all variable rate prescription to their farm equipment or contractor to reduce their in field variability thus overall crop/pasture yield. Terra Ag stores customers data on site for customers to utilise in all their precision ag endeavours.”
Soil & Tissue Testing
We provide an on farm Soil, Deep N, Seed and petiole / tissue testing service. Full results and Agronomic recommendations provided
Terra Ag’s Agronomic team regularly conduct trails in local conditions to improve our customers productivity. These trails range from side by side comparisons and large scale demonstrations through to fully replicated trails. Terra Ag clients have access to this research through grower inspections and trail results displayed at grower meeting.
Terra Ag Testimonials
“Mark's Knowledge of Agronomy and local growing conditions is invaluable.”
- Ben Minato
“Rudds Point” Carrathool
“Terra Ag Have a great range of Merchandise and Agronomic Support. I don’t need to go anywhere else.”
- Mal Brown
“Wilga Park” Warburn