Terra Ag
News & Updates

2nd Hand Equipment - Warrawidgee

R U OK? Day - 9th September 2021
Terra Ag Weekly Water update - 6th September 2021
Job Opportunity: Financial/ Management Accountant

Terra Ag Weekly Water update - 16th August 2021

Terra Ag 2021/2022 Summer Grower Update
Terra Ag is hosting an annual Summer Grower Meeting. We will be discussing a range of topics and the essential information to plan for the upcoming season

Mouse Bait Rebate

Weekly Water update - 12th July 2021

TERRA AG FINANCE - End of Financial Year: 2nd June 2021

TERRA AG FINANCE - Update April 2021: 7th April 2021

TERRA AG FINANCE - March Update 1st March 2020


Weekly Water Update - 4th May 2021
Markets have firmed this past week and more so in light of a disappointing weather front for this week which at the time of writing appears to be little more than 1-5mm for most areas.

Weekly Water Update - 26th April 2021
Slightly different approach to this week’s update – I will only be speaking to what I see are two major points of consideration in water markets presently, Carryover and Menindee Lakes

Weekly Water Update - 19th April 2021
Allocation trade has been mostly steady the last few weeks as seasonal harvests are either underway or seeking to be wrapped up in the coming weeks

Weekly Water Update - 23rd March 2021
Significant directional movements lower for all allocation markets this week, a combination of the rainfall events that have transpired over Eastern states in the last 3-4 days and counting, and the supply side with Murrumbidgee and Goulburn water continuing to be transferred into the below choke zone of the Murray river.

Weekly Water Update - 3 Mar 2021
Allocation markets continue to trend sideways this last week – the assumed extension of the Murrumbidgee IVT is now occurring and likely to be the last for this water season.

Weekly Water Update - 11 Feb 2021
Good rainfall was observed across the upper catchments this last 7-10 days with some falls up to 150mm for the week

Weekly Water Update - 27 Jan 2021
Inter-Valley arrangements continue to be the main focus for allocation markets through January which will continue into February

Weekly Water Update - 4 Dec 2020
A relatively quiet week across all markets this week, if anything an element of softening in allocation pricing after Tuesday’s round of allocation announcements